How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight ?

How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight ?
Wouldn't it be great if losing weight were as simple as drinking a tasty beverage? You might be surprised to learn how that drinking green tea can help you lose weight. There is some exciting new research from a Chinese University where they discovered that a group of overweight folks put on a special green tea regimen for 90 days saw dramatic decreases in body weight, waist circumference and body-mass index (BMI) when compared to folks who didn't get the green tea boost.
Chinese researchers determined that folks would get maximum benefits from nine cups of green tea daily. That might seem like an awful lot of tea to drink in one day, so you should try to get the equivalent of the nine cups with a combination of brewed tea and supplements. The active ingredient in green tea is catechin, with about 100 mg. of catechins per cup of brewed tea. So you should strive to find a tea supplement that contains about 100 mg. of catechins per does. Then use any combination of brewed tea and supplements to get your daily dose of 900 mgr of catechins.
Catechins are important because evidence indicates that catechins lower levels of the hunger hormone leptin. At the same time, tea gives us a shot of 1-theanine, an amino acid that further surpresses our hunger. In addition, Swiss researchers found that catechins also boost metabolism by 4%. A British study found that catechins reduce fat-storage hormones by up to 15%. And finally, tea has been found to lower levels of stress hormones linked to belly fat.
So, why not give green tea a chance. Some people find that tea tastes best when flavored with a little lemon. There are also some tasty green tea flavored soft drinks on the market that will help you get your recommended daily dose of and catechins. So, enjoy the tea and watch that weight come off!
 How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight ?

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